Notre Dame Affordable Housing INC

NDAHI's purpose and existence is to eliminates Veterans Homelessness by providing a safe, innovative LEED Platinum Affordable Housing.

Founded on August 26, 2009, Notre Dame Affordable Housing INC.(NDAHI) was the brainchild of Charlene Marsh and Father James Watzke, a Harvard PhD, clinical psychologist, and Catholic Priest. The declared mission was to bring affordable housing with free, on-site, supportive services(including amongst other services, therapy, job training, and entrepreneurship training) for Homeless Veterans and their families, this in addition to allocating 25% of those resources to the working poor living below the national poverty level. This mission was done partly in the memory and honor of my cousin the late Formal Secretary of Veteran Affairs, Jesse Brown.

The same Jesse Brown went "across the aisle" to work with the at-time GOP Senator and former presidential candidate Bob Dole to pass landmark legislation in support of Veterans who were exposed to "Agent Orange".

In 2013, in a short sale, NDAHI purchased a building to restore and rehabilitate in the furtherance of its stated goals.

Despite noble intentions, a strong leadership team, investing over $565,000 in this project since August of 2010, and possessing the city/county certifications and deed/title to the property, proving rightful ownership, the City of Chicago's unlawfully seized the building shortly.

Despite proof that NDAHI was and is the rightful and legal owner of the property and had invested considerable funds in its development, the building in question was illegally demolished at taxpayers' expense and the City of Chicago brokered an illicit deal with a developer.

This was all done without compensation or consent on the part of the rightful caretakers and stewards of the property, that is, NDAHI.

A gate was put up around the city block and a representative upon asking what was going on and informing the City of ownership, was told,

" don't like it, you can take it to court, but you're not getting a dime."

True to their word, we have had to take this to court. What has ensued is a very lengthy legal proceeding due to the legal gymnastics put forth by the defense in both state and federal court.

The property is located in an Opportunity Zone, eligible for TIF, and millions of dollars have been invested in the area.

Despite these circumstances, and the blatant violations of the 5th and 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, progress has been slow and hard. Many attorneys do not even want to take on the case because of the agencies involved, and now 53 veterans and families who we were trying to house are still out there alone in the streets of the city.

This is a disgrace, and NDAHI continues to relinquish defeat in the face of these egregious acts against those that have served and those who have supported them both at home and abroad. We do this in memory of the late VA Secretary Jesse Brown, U.S. Senator John McCain and U.S. Senator Bob Dole, proud, disabled, veterans who fought for the preservation of our republic.

NDAHI, a 501c3 foundation/Illinois Nonprofit Corporation since Aug 2010, has never asked for money before, "Operation Furniture" was internally funded and deployed when we realized the need for recently housed veterans who still did not have the furniture to make the place they sleep feel like a true "home" so we did it ourselves with little help from the community.

Unfortunately and with great grace, we are for the first time asking for help. Legal costs have now become high-unsustainable and yet we are committed to this fight. With the funds raised, we will continue to build back up what once was envisioned. Now with the structure demolished, we will have to start at square one.

Funds will be used for the following:

  • Construction of a 52-unit building with ground-level space for job training and creative exhibitions.

  • Onsite Therapy

  • Onsite Mentorship in Entrepreneurship and financial literacy

Please consider making a donation

donations are tax-deductible

Federal Court Case


Case No. 23-CV-6104


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Notre Dame Affordable Housing INC.

Tax-exempt since May 2012

EIN: 27-4003649

Chicago, IL